
Tutorial - Kafka using C# …

Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. The project was initiated by LinkedIn in 2010 and is available to the public since 2011. It was made to handle high volumes of real-time data streams reliably and efficiently. This makes it a popular choice for building scalable …

Tutorial - Getting …

This tutorial will get you started on how you can add Entity Framework to your project. In this tutorial, I won’t explain every theoretical part of EF Core; I will focus on the practical part. If you want to learn more about EF Core, here is the official documentation. We are going to build …

AXA Software Engineering …

On October 19, 2022, I had the opportunity to participate in the AXA Software Engineering event as a speaker. AXA SES is a significant event that brings together technology professionals from all AXA groups around the world to discuss various technology-related topics. During this event, I presented …