Meet me during the next Power Branch

Pirlouit Provis | Jun 1, 2023 min read

📅 This Friday, June 2, I will be the Guest in the Power Branch show! A Twicth live session organised by MIC - Meet Innovate Create.

🙌 This time I will talk about Extreme Programming (XP), a software development methodology designed to improve software quality and responsiveness to changing customer needs. It advocates frequent releases in short development cycles, to improve productivity and introduce checkpoints for adopting new customer requirements.

🤓 In this workshop, you’ll see how to comply with this methodology via the Behavior-Driven Development approach with Cypress.

🗣️ The Power Branch talks are first and foremost a time for sharing between developers. So don’t hesitate to join in the chat and extend the discussion at the Open Space on Friday.

📆 Friday 2nd of June from 11:45am

👉 Join us on Twitch